Thursday, May 01, 2008

My favorite time of year

Spring is my favorite time of year. I had fun taking these pictures this week of the blooming fruit trees in our neighborhood. (Spring is about two weeks late this year -- I have been waiting for these pink and white blooms to appear since early April, and they just started this week.) You'd never know it was spring today because of the snowshowers that blanketed the ground with another round of winter this morning.

I'm not sure when spring became my favorite season. When I was a kid, it was winter, mostly because I grew up skiing, ice skating, sledding and doing other winter things. I think my four years in college in Missouri woke me up to the wonder of spring. There it lasts a lot longer, and the blooming of the season is much more diverse -- with dogwoods and redbuds, real April showers (not snow) and blooming flowers that last. In Denver spring seems to take so long to start, then winter comes back, then spring returns for a short while before, all of a sudden, it's summertime.

Hope you're enjoying the newness of the season wherever you are.

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